Featured image of post Feb 22nd - A little about our first video!

Feb 22nd - A little about our first video!

Feb 22nd - A little about our first video!

So no new music today I’m afraid, bit of a rough day and so no time! That said we’ll go back to a time when Factotem was trying to make our first music video. The song, Tasteless was recorded for the first and only album we released, Sine Language. Here’s a little bit about the video. It’s full of little in jokes. In no particular order here are some things I remember.

  • Clunge
  • Believe the hype
  • Cocaine
  • T and Me
  • Fanta? or Club? one of the two
  • Box O’Fucks
  • Something from Magic The Gathering
  • All the horible ways that we will die

I don’t really remember much from this day. What I do remember is the part where the song cut out and we start singing over it happened becuase a bluetooth speaker disconnected or something like that haha. We decided fuck it lets leave that part in.

This was filimed out the back of Campos partents house. Speaking of, I’m sure the video was Campo’s idea.

Any way I think that’s all I have for today. I need a drink! More music soon, I promise :)

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